Sunday, May 10, 2009

Not a good place for movies--a reply to stine's comment

The four people sitting front watching were eventually "driven away" by the noise there

Tonight was supposed to be a movie night of documentary Fidel Castro: Big Man, Small Island Documentary playing in Front Room. However, the situation was not as same as i imagined.

It has almost become the customs that Sunday has been the work day for most American students since they spent their Friday and Saturday partying, or sunday is a working day here? Anyway, Front Room in Sunday is like library except that people can talk if they want. This definitely was not good for those who want to watch the documentary in Front Room tonight.

The documentary was supposed to serve as the prelogue of tomorrow's International Week Keynote speech given by Alina Fernandez---one child of Cuban president Fidel Castro. It should privode the background information needed. However, the noiProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0

there made it impossible for those who were really interested to focus and watch. Finally, they were "driven away."

Anyway, Front Room probably is not a good place for movies. That's why we have theatres on Baker second floor and on court street.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your post. Indeed, we were wondering why we couldn't just go a couple floors downstairs and use the Baker Center Theatre for movie screening. Maybe this can be arranged for similar events. It is true that the Front Room was not greatly busy during the movie about Castro but the loudspeakers are distributed through out the room and are not directed at the seats meant for movie watching.
