Sunday, May 10, 2009

Black poet Javon Johnson's talk show

-----He is short, but he is not scared to climb the tree; he is a poet, and he is humorous.

He was born and grew up in the east side of south central, Los Angeles, going to school in the west side. He is a humorous poet, or a poetic humorist. He is Javon Johnson.

Javon performed his stylish humor in Front Room last night. He recited his poems to the audience in the form of hip-hop, which won great applause from the audience for both his humor and his exquisitely managed rhythm. each poem has a theme - family, love and ethics. I was moved into tears by his naturally betrayed affection with his family, and laughed into tears by his poetic humor. Some of my favourite lines from his poems are:

"please, love me butterfly, even if i don't transform into the man that you deserve."

"i tell my grandmother:'you don't have to shoulder the whole world'...Now my grandmother is slowly dying, and I'm not strong enough to hold her world."

Between each two poems, he would tell the audience one or two anecdotes about him, his friends or his family member. I remembered one is about him teasing with a young boy.
Javon punched the boy in his face.
young boy:"mum, he hit me"
Javon: "come on. I'm a grown man.."

His shortness does not embarrass him, instead it becomes the raw materials for his smart humor. He said that:"I'm short, but I'm not scared to climb up trees," or "I'm short, and i will punch the tall in the special place."

He took some CDs with him wherever he performed, and his ways to promote those CDs were hilarious too.
Javon:"when i say 'C', you say 'D'. OK, now. "
Javon:"good. I've had some CDs with me to sell."

Yesterday, his way of promotion is that he kept asking purposely:"did i mention i have CDs with me?" People couldn't help laughing when he said that the third time. While he was promoting for his CD, he said:"If you like what i do, you buy my CD, that's cool; if you don't like what i do, you buy my CD, that's weird, but I'm cool with that; if you like what i do, but you can't buy my CD, that's cool too; if you don't like what i do, and you don't buy my CD, that's playing yourself."

Though I did not get some of what he said because of the accent, i definitely like what he did, and that's cool.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way you bring out his personality through the lines of his poetry and his conversations with the audience. His poems are witty and about everyday life and people. I agree with your description that he is "cool."
