Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Front Room: Happy Mother's Day

Is it that Mother's Day remains the same in each university? OU celebrated the festival on May 1-3, which was kind of grand and touched upon my nostalgia. Having been asked of the Mother's Day celebration in their campus, my friends seemed to have no idea, which reflected that OU did a pretty good job in connecting the school with the parents. During the holiday, Front Room was REALLY busy.

One feature event taking place in Front Room was a silent auction sponsored by Alpha Omicron Pi to benefit Juvenile Arthritis Research Foundation (the arthritis foundation). It lasted from 12:00pm to 1:15pm, and raised about 2,500 dollar. Huge crowds of people, most of whom were mums, attend the event. They watched the auction articles attentively, hoping to find out some lovely articles as well as contribute to the charity foundation.

some nice articles as well as contribute to the charity foundation.

something to their taste to bring home as well as contributing to the foundation. Most of the stuff are sold in a package and are good helper for housewives.

Stuffs like cosmetics bag, pitcher, table cloth are liked by most housewives.

It is in Front Room, so Starbucks coffee surely should be one of the auction article. As we can see from the long auction lists in the picture, the "competition" was fierce.

Jewelry, flower and chocolates are women's "lovers."

Apart from joining the auction, many mothers and daughters or sons were just sitting there, enjoying their quality time, either talking or playing cards and board games.


  1. I went passionworks the other day. It's really a good idea to help disadvantaged people.

  2. The money went to Juvenile Arthritis Research Foundation, and at that particular event AOPi raised over $2,500 for the foundation.
